March 30, 2022

A Modern Bill of Rights: Responding to the Human Rights Act Reform consultation

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has held a consultation, seeking views on proposed reforms to the Human Rights Act (HRA). The Institute for the Future of Work (IFOW) welcomed the opportunity to provide a response, which focused on the implication of the proposal on work, working lives and technology.

Our view

We welcome the commitments made by the UK Government to retain the substantive rights protected under the HRA, incorporate a schedule of the text of Convention Rights and remain a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights. But the current proposal has not yet given due consideration to significant impacts on work and working lives. This means that the proposal is likely to affect vulnerable working people, including those who have recently lost out on work, pay, terms or other benefits, more than others.

We therefore outline four key recommendations to help ensure that the Bill of Rights supports a strong Great Britain, capable of navigating new hazards at home, and standard-setting in technology regulation and good work abroad:

1. A British Bill of Rights should incorporate and express the principles of the Institute for the Future of Workʼs Good Work Charter.

2. Assessment of the impacts of new technologies on work and working lives will be necessary before proceeding with the proposal for a Bill of Rights.

3. New rights and positive obligations for people, public and private authorities are required to meet the challenges and opportunities posed by novel and emerging AI and algorithmic technologies.

4. The Ministry of Justice should work more closely with other Government departments to align policy and shape better outcomes for people and communities across the country.



Institute for the Future of Work

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Shifting power

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