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Group of adult learners listening to a presentation
November 18, 2020

Supporting "Learning Marathons" for residents in Grimsby with Enrol Yourself

We are please to announce that IFOW are partnering with the first winner of our Future of Work Challenge Enrol Yourself by sponsoring two bursaries for the residents of Grimsby. Enrol Yourself is a social enterprise which has redesigned lifelong learning by harnessing the power of peer groups who participate in ‘Learning Marathons’. Over 6 months, participants collaborate, pool ideas, resources and their networks to learn more than they could alone.

If you live in Grimsby, our partnership is an opportunity for you to go on one of these learning adventures next year. Learn more about the Learning Marathons here:

The Institute for the Future of Work are beginning work funded by The Big Lottery in Grimsby to explore what residents would like from a future of better work.



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