Blog and news
October 16, 2024

SpotIight October 2024 | A mid-month Future of Work bulletin

Welcome to the first edition of our Spotlight, a mid-month update highlighting key future of work reads and events.

First up is our response to the Employment Rights Bill, then we have a comprehensive analysis of 'the right to disconnect' by Dr Philippa Collins and Dr Gabrielle Golding. Finally, IOSH's Dr Ivan Williams Jimenez discusses the benefits of increased flexibility in the workplace. We hope you enjoy reading.

IFOW Responds to Employment Rights Bill: Supporting Workers in a Rapidly Changing Economy

The recent Employment Rights Bill offers a crucial opportunity to support workers in an evolving economy. IFOW welcomes its focus on modernising protections but stresses the need for stronger provisions to safeguard workers in increasingly flexible and tech-driven environments. A balanced approach is essential to ensure fair treatment while adapting to the future of work. Read the full response.

Addressing the 'Always-On' Work Culture

With the rise of remote work and digital connectivity, the 'always-on' culture is blurring work-life boundaries. IFOW calls for stronger measures to ensure workers have the right to disconnect. This blog by Dr Philippa Collins and Dr Gabrielle Golding outlines practical steps to protect well-being, prevent burnout, and promote healthier work environments in a tech-driven world.

Read more.

How Employers Can Profit from Embracing Flexibility

In our latest blog, IOSH's Dr Ivan Williams Jimenez explores how providing increased flexibility in the workplace can enhance both employee well-being and business performance. Learn how employers can benefit from adopting more adaptable work practices.

Read more.

On The Horizon

No Pain, No Gain? (Thursday, 31 October 2024 Time: 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM)

The Resolution Foundation is hosting this panel discussion to assess what the Budget of this new parliament means for the UK economy. This is an in-person event but there will be a broadcast via YouTube and the Resolution Foundation website. Viewers will be able to submit questions to the panel before and during the event via Slido.

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Anna Thomas MBE


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