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Launch invite
September 20, 2023

Launch of major report - Adoption of AI in UK Firms

On 20th September at Somerset House we hosted the launch of Professor James Hayton's major study for the Pissarides Review, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, of AI adoption in UK firms.

After a presentation about the study - based on a survey of 1000 UK firms - and its findings, a panel including IFOW Directors Anna Thomas and Dr Abigail Gilbert and Sana Khareghani - former head of governments Office for AI - discussed the implications of the research on policy, and how good work could be sustained through this technological transition.

Key findings include:

  • net job creation
  • net positive effect on skills
  • net positive effect on job quality / good work... if there is 'regional innovation readiness' and a high-involvement human resource management philosophy in the firm, leading to more positive perceptions of technology.

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Anna Thomas MBE


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