American flag waving with the Capitol Hill in the background

Technology threats to employment, issues and candidate and party preferences in the United States.

Tobias Heinrich and Christopher Witko find that, controlling for party affliation, the prioritisation of the economy or jobs does not necessarily impact voters' support for a given candidate, regardless of their level of awareness around the threat of automation to their own employment.

With party labels, meanwhile, there are some shifts of opinion based on prioritisation. However, this is hard to isolate because of the American context of issue lineage assigned to parties. Interestingly, the Democrats' reputation as a party that supports workers and the unemployed garnered little support amongst those more exposed to automation.

Overall, the study confirmed a preference for the Republicans where automation threat is high. In this study, individuals were presented with their risk of automation (automation odds), but this seemingly had little impact on their political motivations.

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Chosen by

Harry Pitts


Politics and perceptions of automation risk

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