About us / Funding and partnerships

APPG on the Future of Work

The Institute for the Future of Work is the Strategic Research Partner and Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Future of Work, chaired by Matt Warman MP (Conservative) and Lord Jim Knight (Labour). It has over thirty parliamentary members from across both Houses and all parties, and many corporate, research and union partners too.

Find out more about joining this thriving group here.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Future of Work brings together parliamentarians, industry and civil society to foster understanding of the challenges and opportunities of technology and the future of work. We collaborate to develop practical solutions that will shape a future of better work across the UK.

Members are asked to commit to supporting the principles set out in our Good Work Charter. This is an organising framework for aspiration, alignment and action to shape a fairer future of better work.

Find out about membership, and our latest events, here.

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